J U S T. D E L I C I O U S. B R E A D


J U S T. D E L I C I O U S. B R E A D .

About Yule’s

My story

Although I’ve always loved bread in its varied forms, I came to baking late. Having worked in organisations all my working life, first as a solicitor and latterly as a Primary school teacher and University lecturer, I wanted to start my own enterprise. “Yule’s just delicious bread” is the result and I hope that, together, we can explore bread’s delicious abundance.

My baking

I use the traditional method of sourdough production in most of my breads. Slow fermentation involving naturally occurring yeast in the atmosphere, time and careful attention to the dough are what’s required. Ingredients, principally sourced from Shipton Mill, include flour, salt, water and olive oil. Some breads are seeded (usually sunflower and pumpkin seeds) and occasionally I use fresh yeast (in focaccia, ciabatta, challah, doughnuts and bagels). Order whatever you like and I’ll try to accommodate your personal preferences.

Mike Yule just delicious bread

Mike Yule

Sourdough bread

A selection of my sourdoughs

Where do our leftovers go?

Like many of you. I’m trying to minimize food waste so I am resolved to give any unsold bread to those in need, including the not for profit organisation my daughter works for, Migrants Organise. I’m open to any other suggestions you may have.
